Monday, May 17, 2004


dear jan,

today, we're nearly halfway through our philippine vacation. you have been enjoying yourself so much, revelling in the company of your pinoy relatives who dote on you hand and foot. we visited your cousins bea and jack last week and you enjoyed it immensely. they were also so eager to be with you each waking moment. i wish it will stay this way as you all grow up. i, myself, have drifted away from my own cousins and was never able to see them very often during my growing up years. i blame it on geography. it's always nice to go and visit them in pampanga or nueva ecija, yes, i wouldn't describe the relationships as close. i hope it will different for you. you will have far less cousins than i did (your dad having just one brother, and you having just 2 cousins on my side), so each one matters. bea is now 7 and she will have fond memories of our visit (and the last one in september 2003). i have faith that she will always be eager to see you again. as for jack, i'm not sure if he will remember more than you will. he's just 3 and i'm not sure how far back memory goes. should your (our) memory falter, i have taken photos and videos ;) ...
